Over the years I have used a lot of different cameras and telescopes.
In the 1970s and 1980s, I built my own telescopes and used Olympus OM-1 cameras for astrophotography. I also used a homebuilt cold camera designed to keep the film at extremely low temperatures.
In the 1990s, CCD cameras became available for astronomical research and I built a series of observatories; in Lake Arrowhead, Rancho Cucamonga, at the Riverside Astronomical Society’s observing site, and finally at a purpose-built observatory complex in Landers, California. At all of those I conducted astronomical research on asteroids and variable stars, as well as getting the occasional pretty picture. Those telescopes use astronomical research cameras.
For general daytime photography I have used most major brands, and these days use Canon cameras owning a Canon R5, Canon R10, and a Canon Ra which has been modified for astronomical imaging.